Can't target a single Google Doc

Hello. I’ve been trying rclone for a few days now, very cool. However, while I can copy an entire directory of google docs to my machine I can’t seem to target a single google doc.

$ rclone ls drive:[path]/Logs
2018/01/23 11:15:33 NOTICE: Time may be set wrong - time from "" is -21m0.630123195s different from this computer
2018/01/23 11:15:39 NOTICE: Time may be set wrong - time from "" is -21m0.782176335s different from this computer
     8652 Enterprise Server Maintenance Log.docx
     7528 Network troubleshooting.docx
     6217 test.docx

As you can see, there are indeed several google docs there, but targeting them individually does not work. You will also notice the time errors; I don’t know if this is related or not.

# this works
$ rclone copy --drive-formats "docx,xlsx,pptx,svg" -v drive:[path]/Logs .

# this does not
rclone copy --drive-formats "docx,xlsx,pptx,svg" -v drive:[path]/Logs/test .
rclone copy --drive-formats "docx,xlsx,pptx,svg" -v drive:[path]/Logs/test.docx .

I’ve tried copying a .txt file down and it works just fine. I can’t seem to target a single google doc, however. Suggestions?


Update: I’ve fixed the time errors, but still nothing. To be more specific, the first command does not actually download anything, whereas the second squalks that it can’t find source directory

Hmm, sounds like a bug!

You can use

rclone copy --include "/test.docx" drive:path /path/to/local

as a work-around.

If you make a new issue on github with this iin, then we’ll fix it in due course!

You can use

rclone copy --include "/test.docx" drive:path /path/to/local

as a work-around.

Excellent! I’ll try the workaround and submit an issue on github when I get an opportunity. Fantastic tool, by the way.

There is an issue for this already here:

…and also a potential fix on the way! So check back on the issue…

Try this beta - it should fix the problem (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

Thanks, I’ll check it out