Cannot list Team Drive

First, sorry about my english.

I’m trying configure my Team Drive without success, the error message below:

Configure this as a team drive?
y) Yes
n) No
y/n> y
Fetching team drive list…
2018/05/04 03:56:48 Failed to configure team drive: list team drives failed: googleapi: Error 403: Insufficient Permission, insufficientPermissions

OS: Windows 64
Version: Latest Stable

I have full acess permission at Team Drive

Any exemple how i can configure it my self at rclone.conf? I have 2 other regular googledrive remotes working like a charm.

I already got the Team Drive ID from its URL, thanks in advance.

You should be able to just configure as a normal drive. Afterwards run rclone config file to find out where the rclone config file is. Edit it with a text editor and insert the team drive ID so it looks like this…

type = drive
client_id = 
client_secret = 
token = XXX leave this unchanged XXX
team_drive = XXX your team drive ID XXX

I’ll have a think about how to make the configurator a bit friendlier.

I don’t understand why the team drive isn’t showing up in your account. When you go to can you see it there?


I tried manual section before with “team_drive = XXX your team drive ID XXX” but I tought it was not working becoz I cannot see files in website, now I added also “scope = drive.file” and seems fine.

But anyway I cannot list it, as you asked me I can see as a Team Drive at, msg me you gmail I can share with you, it’s empty yet.

Thank you.