Cache size exceed size which i set

What is the problem you are having with rclone?

i mount onedrive with rclone. cache size exceed size which i set,and so there is not enough space in my disk

What is your rclone version (output from rclone version)


Which OS you are using and how many bits (eg Windows 7, 64 bit)

windows 10 ,64bit

Which cloud storage system are you using? (eg Google Drive)

china sharepoint

The command you were trying to run (eg rclone copy /tmp remote:tmp)

the mount command is

D:\rclone.exe mount sp: z:  --cache-chunk-total-size 1G  --vfs-cache-max-size 1G  --onedrive-chunk-size 3200  --ignore-checksum --ignore-size --backup-dir sp:rclone-backup-dir --copy-links --no-gzip-encoding --no-check-certificate --default-permissions --buffer-size 32M --dir-cache-time 12h --vfs-read-chunk-size 64M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit 1G --drive-v2-download-min-size 0  --vfs-cache-mode minimal  --cache-dir C:\Temp

i set max cache size 1G,but i copy file which size is 20g to onedrive,rclone will copy all file and exceed 1G size and there is no enough space in my disk
the copy command is

D:\rclone.exe copy "E:\2\英语\21、52周地道英文脱口而出"    "Z:\uploads\Media\幼教\21、52周地道英文脱口而出" -P --exclude-from E:\Desktop\office-filter.txt

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

A log from the command with the -vv flag

the log is like thsi

2021/02/27 11:08:26 ERROR : IO error: write \\?\C:\Temp\vfs\sp\uploads\Media\幼教\21、52周地道英文脱口而出\廖彩杏第4阶段(40-52周)30本(6本绝版)(2)\廖彩杏第4阶段(40-52周)30本(6本绝版)\廖彩杏书单第42周\廖第42周第3本【80】Tomorrow's Alphabet\Tomorrow_s Alphabe\Tomorrow's Alphabet\10 10.wma: There is not enough space on the disk.
2021/02/27 11:08:27 ERROR : IO error: write \\?\C:\Temp\vfs\sp\uploads\Media\幼教\21、52周地道英文脱口而出\廖彩杏第4阶段(40-52周)30本(6本绝版)(2)\廖彩杏第4阶段(40-52周)30本(6本绝版)\廖彩杏书单第42周\廖第42周第3本【80】Tomorrow's Alphabet\Tomorrow_s Alphabe\Tomorrow's Alphabet\11 11.wma: There is not enough space on the disk.
2021/02/27 11:08:27 ERROR : IO error: write \\?\C:\Temp\vfs\sp\uploads\Media\幼教\21、52周地道英文脱口而出\廖彩杏第1阶段(1-13周)22本(1)\廖彩杏第1阶段(1-13周)22本\廖彩杏书单第04周\廖第4周第3本【10】Henny Penny\【8】Henny Penny JY版本\Track01_clip.mp3: There is not enough space on the disk.
2021/02/27 11:16:24 Failed to copy with 540 errors: last error was: write \\?\Z:\uploads\Media\幼教\21、52周地道英文脱口而出\廖彩杏第2阶段(14-26周)24本(1)\廖彩杏第2阶段(14-26周)24本\廖彩杏书单第23周\廖第23周第3本【46】the journey home from Grandpas\the journey home from grandpa's\the journey home from grandpa's\resources\jacket.png: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

To copy a 20GB file, you need 20GB of space. Setting it to 1G won't fix or make the requirement go away.

I think you are using the cache backend which is also deprecated and you should use the vfs-cache-mode full instead.

you seem to be using rclone twice

  • rclone mount to the z:
  • rclone copy to the rclone mount z:
    if true, using rclone copy to a rclone mount is not the correct usage of rclone

either just use windows explorer to copy files to z:
rclone copy direct to sp: like this.
rclone copy "E:\2\英语\21、52周地道英文脱口而出" "sp:uploads\Media\幼教\21、52周地道英文脱口而出"

can you post this?

The rclone config contents with secrets removed.

Paste config here

thanks,i will try it

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