Bisync: Rename failed, method not allowed?

It certainly seems that way. If the --recover and --conflict-resolve flags are missing, it's definitely not the latest version.

Yes. I have created a branch in the main repo which will automatically build and upload binaries here:

v1.67.0-beta.8014.8bc00b6ad.s3-fix-405-error (uploaded in 15-30 mins)

If you could download and test one of those and confirm that it fixes the bug, that would be most helpful!

If it does not, please run rclone version to double-check you are testing the right version (and not some previous version installed on your system.) The version should match this exactly:

rclone v1.67.0-beta.8014.8bc00b6ad.s3-fix-405-error
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Good to see Bisync successful on my screen again :partying_face:

Thanks for your help on this.

I will keep using the beta you shared until I know the fix is included in main. Is it set to be included in 1.67?

Yayyyy glad to hear that! Thanks for testing it.

That is up to @ncw :slight_smile:

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I have submitted a PR here:

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We've came across this issue as well.

Proposed fix: `s3`: fix 405 error on `HEAD` for delete marker with `versionId` by nielash · Pull Request #7908 · rclone/rclone · GitHub shall address this issue, however just so you're aware, I think this issue solely exists on iDrive E2 responding invalid HTTP code.

Even though AWS documentation mentions that 405 is possible for delete marker: Working with delete markers - Amazon Simple Storage Service it only applies if: versionId is provided.

When you get an object without specifying a versionId in your request, if its current version is a delete marker, Amazon S3 responds with the following:

  • A 404 (Not Found) error
  • A response header, x-amz-delete-marker: true

When you get an object by specifying a versionId in your request, if the specified version is a delete marker, Amazon S3 responds with the following:

  • A 405 (Method Not Allowed) error
  • A response header, x-amz-delete-marker: true
  • A response header, Last-Modified: timestamp (only when using the HeadObject or GetObject API operations)

iDrive E2 API will return 405 even for HEAD request without: versionId specified which is clearly not in line with the above description and with what other S3 providers are doing.

Ideal solution would implement this workaround solely for iDrive E2, but proposed fix shouldn't really break anything, it's just less strict.

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