Bisync missed syncing changed file - no error, no warning

This is a longstanding Known Issue with Bisync which I plan to fix in the near future. Essentially, this change slipped by undetected because it met all 3 of the following criteria:

  1. The change occurred while a bisync run was running. (The one from 2023/08/18 12:53:01 to 12:56:14 in your logs.)
  2. That bisync run made other changes to the same side where the undetected change occurred.
  3. The change was a modification of an existing file, not a create/delete/rename.

Lacking any 1 of these 3 would have prevented this (which is likely why you haven't encountered this more often). Had it not been for #2, Bisync would have re-used the initial listing snapshot for that Path instead of taking a new one at the end, and the change would therefore have been discovered on the next sync. And had it not been for #3, Bisync would have returned a critical error as a result of failing the --check-sync (still not ideal, but at least then you would have known about it.)

The reason that --check-sync didn't catch this is because it (currently) only compares filenames, not modtime, size, or hash. It can detect whether a file from one Path is missing on the other, but not whether both Paths have different versions of a file. (To be clear: I'm talking only about the --check-sync feature -- other parts of Bisync (such as the deltas) do indeed compare modtime.)

The reason that a --resync caught this while normal bisync runs did not is because normal bisync runs compare to the prior listing of the same side, while --resync compares to the current listing of the opposite side.

Until this is properly addressed in a future release, here are a few things I'd recommend:

  1. Schedule your bisync runs less frequently -- you mentioned you're currently running it every 1 minute. If you changed it to every 10 minutes, the odds of this happening would decrease by approximately 10x. (FWIW, I run mine every 3 hours, and manually as needed.)

  2. Use --check-sync=false, as --check-sync is not foolproof anyway (as we've discussed) and without it, your bisyncs will be faster and less likely to end in a critical error.

  3. Supplement this with a periodic independent integrity check, and corrective sync if diffs are found. This is documented in detail here, along with example commands. (This is especially important if using --check-sync=false.)

P.S. I fixed a bunch of other bisync bugs recently (but not this one yet) and added a few new features -- currently scheduled for v1.64. If you're interested in trying them early, they are available in the latest beta. Feedback is welcome :slight_smile:

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