Best practices and setting for mounting gdrive and s3 services for streaming with plex

welcome to the forum,

first, check out my summary of the two rclone caches.

does not matter that much, only applies when plex is scanning a library, not when streaming a media file.
i disable auto-scanning, and only manual scan when adding new media files.

try --daemon-wait=0 - that has been discussed in the forum.

for s3, i set --dir-cache-time=9999h and after adding files to the remote, i manually refresh the vfs dir cache.
to the mount command, add --rc --rc-no-auth
when i want to refresh the vfs dir cache, run rclone rc vfs/refresh recursive=true -vv

sometimes i use that, sometimes i do not.
most users use --vfs-cache-mode=full

that is up to you. how much space do you want rclone to use and how long do you want files to stay in the cache.