Avoid deleting new files with rclone sync

No. With copy it'll replace file3 since source and dest are different.

He's essentially looking for a "don't modify newer files" flag.

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      --ignore-existing                      Skip all files that exist on destination

or a new flag ignore newer?

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Yes. Should be doable. I think. --ignore-newer that is.

Fine, I'll try this.

Does ignore-existing meet what you are asking or if you are looking for a flag like ignore-newer, I think we clarified what you wanted.

You can submit a feature request on github and just link back to the post here and ignore-newer I think it was what you want:

That flag doesn't exist. I was saying it would need to be created. The ignore-existing flag does exist.

Ookay so I'll make the request on GitHub for the ignore-newer.

As soon as I can I'll try ignore-existing but I think it will not work properly

Maybe this flag might be helpful?

-u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination.

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HM.. @asdffdsa mentioned that earlier and for some reason I didn't think that would work but I think I read the doc wrong.

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