Auto update rclone

Hi guys.

Would it be possible to add an auto update function to rclone?

When running rclone config , add an option if rclone should auto update when a release is available.

Autoupdate should only work if no bigger changes are made, save the old version under /usr/bin/rclone_old.v1.xx etc :slight_smile: ?

Once a bigger update is made to rclone - lets say you make a rclone release that requires a reconfiguration of your rclone.conf file - the rclone should prompt on connection via ssh like "Rclone update available, reconfigurations required for this update bla bla "

Or is this just tooo much? :slight_smile:

Would be awsome though.



You can do rclone version --check to compare the current version with the remote version.

I agree it would be awesome. I'd like to borrow the code from restic self-update which works very well!

Please make a new issue on github about this so we don't forget!

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Cheers Nick

Added #3269


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