Add flag to exit immediately when --max-duration reached

Thanks for a quick response as usual :slight_smile:

I see. As this doesn't cause any corruption I'm not bothered by it - timeout is making sure that rclone doesn't run forever. So for me personally this is very low impact & low priority issue.

Understood! As I've finally finished a full sync of my gphotos, I am using --gphotos-read-size as an easy way to be identify corrupt files. Since I have the workflow automated this seemed like the first easy option to go for - waiting days/weeks is not a problem for me since this all happens in the background anyway :slight_smile:

Once I have some time to spare (hopefully this easter weekend) I'll go through the rclone lsf options we discussed in Detecting incomplete file download from Google Photos - #4 by timevortex and then I can stop using --gphotos-read-size.

As usual, really appreciate your help and quick responses.