ACD + fuse mount: still not working with Plex

I have 60 GB ram in the box so really you want to allocate about 75% of free ram max

how much memory do you have ?

Only issue I have now, is I need faster internet at home :slight_smile:

#buff/cache change

I just added this to my crontab so at reboot it runs

@reboot root dd if=/dev/zero of=~/plex bs=1M count=45000


I use crypt

rclone/rclone mount --max-read-ahead 400M secret: /Plex/Media


Plex setting due to some 4k content had to transcode.
(still testing but look good so far)

Segmented transcoder timeout
Timeout in seconds segmented transcodes wait for the transcoder to begin writing data.

Transcoder temporary directory
Directory to use when transcoding for temporary files.

Transcoder default duration
Duration in minutes to use when transcoding something with an unknown duration.

Transcoder default throttle buffer