408 request timeouts


We’re using rclone with swift storage to backup some files. We receive the following errors on a daily basis, although not the same amount each day.

We’re using an rclone sync with a source and destination only passing the quiet and exclude options.

Is this anything to be concerned about and is there something that we can do to stop these?

Unsolicited response received on idle HTTP channel starting with “HTTP/1.0 408 Request Time-out\r\nCache-Control: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n

408 Request Time-out

\nYour browser didn’t send a complete request in time.\n\n\n”; err=

You don’t need to worry about them - they are the remote closing unused HTTP channels with a message (which it shouldn’t) and the go http internals logging it. Unfortunately there is no way of turning this log off.

I expect you are using hubic - they seem to do this…

Thanks for the confirmation. We’re using Memset for our hosting and storage.

Which storage system are you using? Memstore or Openstack? I’ll investigate further!

Thanks we’re using Memstore.